Friday, 20 January 2012

Results 20.01.2012

Categories: Actresses & Illnesses/ailments

An interesting week; quite thought provoking. Much to discuss.   

It was not a strong week. Let's put that out there from the off. Some great Puns but it was mostly a day of poorly developed, overly speculative, seemingly rushed efforts. It's a shame but, like every competition there will be good and not so good weeks. The categories were apparently quite difficult but I would like to express that The Pun-Off is getting more competitive, more diverse and more complex - you've got to do a lot more to get noticed these days.

Finally, before we reveal the successful Punners this week I'd like to announce that I will be writing and distributing The Punners Charta - an easy to digest document covering rules and code of conduct. The number of repeats and invalid Puns today was quite frustrating and time consuming - but, I'm not in a mood or anything, I'd just like to make The Pun-Off easier to run. I hope you understand.

Thou shalt Pun well
or not at all

Anyway, some of you rose to the challenge and delivered some excellent Puns in difficult circumstances. Let's get to it and celebrate the success of:

In 3rd Place with a beautifully constructed and cunningly subtle Pun:

Caroline Ahernia - Dave Shipley

It takes a shrewd Punning mind to spot a Pun like that; hidden away as it is within such an usual name. Shipley shows his ability here and is improving week on week. This is another example of the "Minimum change-maximum impact" tactic that we see placing on the winners board week-in-week out. It's not always the golden ticket to victory but it's one of the proven routes. Take heed.

In 2nd Place with an ailment that featured quite heavily and with a Pun that we saw repeated 3-4 times (tut,tut):

Tumor Thurman - Paul Parry

I'm sure this well known ailment had crossed the mind of many Punners today and I think Parry sensed this. He attacked the board early and aggressively which is fitting given that this is the best way to treat the aforementioned condition. Meta-Punning from a rising star who almost took the People's Champion prize this week.

And in 1st Place....this Pun made me laugh and think and laugh again several times today:

Psoriasissy Spacek - Rosie Melon

Melon is new to The Pun-Off, debuting just last week. She's dug deep here to unleash a Pun that scores points for originality and composition and for exhibiting her evidently wide knowledge base. The excellently named Rosie Melon threw in several strong efforts this week. She's a great example to all new Punners out there; she doesn't use her inexperience in competitive Punning as an excuse for being rubbish or tardy. She's just been getting on with, playing her own game, having faith in her own ability. Well done Rosie, good work.

And....this week's PEOPLE'S CHAMPION'S is:

Sarah Jessica Parkinson's - Jonn Dean

Congratulations Jonn! The ultimate prize in Punning is Jonn's after just his 3rd week of competitive Punning. What we've seen today is that the fine City of Manchester is a breeding ground for premier Punners - Davies, Arber, Melon, Duke, Williams and Sutherland to name but a few. The great thing here is that this is no where near the best Jonn has to offer; I suspect the subject matter this week wasn't quite to his taste. But still, a deserving victory with "10" likes and another example of new comers rising to prominence. Well done Jonn, you should be very happy with that result.

Honourable mentions

Illda Swinton - Edmund McCartney
Simplicity here from McCartney - he's often goes one way or another...overly complex or simple and brilliant like this effort

Megan Pox - Paul Parry
He had a very strong week this week. He's also a cordial and considerate Punner; an shining example to you all.

Miley Virus - James Watts
A return to form but not the leader board for The Bulb. This was repeated 4-5 times today highlighting Watts' swift delivery.

Sigourney Fever - Frankie Maloney
Weaver featured a fair bit today; her mellifluous name providing rich picking the  linguistically minded. I'd expect Maloney to continue with Puns of this calibre.

Catherine Zeta-Chrones disease - Sam Bradbury
He had a bit of a shocker early on; often repeating and then answering back when admonished. But, he quickly redeemed himself with this outstanding effort.


A very warm welcome to our debutants this week; not much in the way of immediate impact but I'm confident these new members of our community will find their way. Please make them, and all our upcoming debutants welcome.

Ben Lake (from last week), Laura Roberts, Philip Ashman, Jo Hanna Moss, Niall Kelly, Chloe Wallace.

So, there we go. An interesting week that wasn't quite the explosive Pun-Fest I was hoping for....but, I have faith in 3 things:

1. I can think up better categories next week
2. Everyone who needs to will raise their game
3. That Puns will always be there when we need them

Have a great week everyone and if you got on the leader board please feel free to make a little acceptance speech in the FB comment box. Hazaah!

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