Thursday, 19 January 2012

The Pundamentals: The Popularity of Punning

I am in no doubt that a man who lives in a house-boat filled with dozens of wild, flapping Geese would be under the impression that Geese are absolutely everywhere these days. So ubiquitous would the waterfowl be that almost every flicker of his cognition would settle on, or at least pass by issues relating to those sinister, beaky mauderers of aggression.


He would probably be more perceptive to Geese featuring in the media or on the Internet and would most likely be able to distinguish the feint honking of a near-by Goose over the bustle and din of a busy bar. The relative omnipresence of the Geese might force our inundated man to assume that others too are chronically over-Goosed.

Puns, in their various forms, have become the Geese of my recent, poorly-conceived analogy. They're everywhere it seems and I've even begun dreaming about them. This of course raises a vital question....

Are Puns genuinely more popular at the moment? Or am I just noticing more and more Pun related websites, blogs, articles and events because I'm immersed in Punning at an administrative level? They've been around forever of course; enjoying periods of begrudging acceptance, wide-spread dislike and comforting apathy. Once the staple fall-back of a desperate to impress Dad they now seem to be an essential component in the informal lexicon of young men and woman across the land. There are those that hate Puns of course - typically sneering types who dislike them because other people are enjoying themselves or simply because they can't think of any decent ones themselves.

If Puns are popular at the moment and somehow tickling the fickle chin of fashion then I'm happy carry on - until of course it becomes ironic to like Puns; then I'll get all annoyed. If I could walk up to and flick the testicles of any intangible concept it would be irony. Anyway, how do I feel at the moment? I think perhaps "Earnest appreciation" would best describe my personal feelings about Puns and Punning and if they have somehow become a part of the spirit of the times, dare I say Zeitgeist, then that's fine too.

Perhaps I'm going a bit far with my assumptions on the importance of Punning; perhaps The Emperor of that familiar idiom remains entirely naked, freezing his nuts off like everyone else is at the moment. Whatever the case I'm sure that I'll see you all tomorrow for what promises to be another record breaking Pun-Off. Hazaah!

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