Monday, 30 April 2012

Results - 26.04.2012


Global landmarks & Food

Seeing as I’d be hurtling towards The West County this evening at a rate of “quite fast” I thought I’d take the opportunity to write the results up. I decided upon this initially to help pass the time and secondly as a courtesy to all you loyal Punners who wait so patiently for the results every week as I procrastinate and make wild assumptions about how quickly days actually elapse. What I didn’t account for was the fact that my laptop is older than Cilla Black and as riddled with malicious infections as it’s possible to be without actually being Cilla Black. I left Paddington full of hope, smugly aware of my logistical foresight but the rickety Packard Bell-end of a fu*ker didn’t properly boot-up until Didcot Parkway. It then took until Swindon for the “eeing” to appear on the screen after the initial ‘S’ of this paragraph did. Never before has any man unleashed a subtle thumbs-up and a whispered “Yessss!” at the appearance of ‘eeing’. 

"Hands up if you're
Cilla Black" 

The marvelousness of this Punning day is certainly helping me overcome my techno-troubles. The last time I had Techno-troubles I was aged 15. I went to an illegal rave on an Anglesey Farm with a 40 year old man known locally as “Stuart the Hat”. I promptly drank 3 cans of Carling and was sick in his girlfriend’s Volkswagon. This all unfolded to the backing track of a pair of Technics 1210’s apparently being sodomised by an inept DJ named Vinny. I then spent some time contemplating whether to take some drugs but evidence clearly indicated I didn’t have the constitution for it. So, ate my pre-packed emergency Twix to restore moral and sat in the car all night listening to Radio 2 until Stuart’s bleary but bouncing return. I had a nice time in the end.

Right – the Puns! A day of great punning that was seemingly enjoyed by one and all. The short list was a colossal 18 Puns long and it was a hell of a task to whittle it down to three winners. I’ve done my best though:

In 3rd made me chortle immediately and that’s often enough to get a place here:

Machu Fishstew - Sam Palmer

The categories are bang-on and the imagery is quite evocative. Palmer is a great Punner and very much a journey-man – never without a good concept and always competing in the intended spirit.

In 2nd Place...he’s a relative newcomer to competitive Punning but he’s already making a name for himself; which is fitting because I think he’s got quite a cool name:

The Amalfi Toast - Benedict Sommer

Benedict appears to be very capable Punner and he demonstrates his sharp category mining well here. As I’ve mentioned in the past any Pun that has impact with the minimum of change is admirable and worthy of note. This is only Sommer’s second Pun-off so I’m hoping that he’ll continue to develop his skill-set. Well done Benedict; glory in the Pun-Off is getting harder to achieve so you should be very proud.

And in 1st Place...his Puns are often sharp, efficient and imaginative and his winning entry this week is a thing of simple beauty. 

Chompeii - Richard Reason

I liked this one immediately and although it didn’t attract a huge number of “Likes” I think it has a subtlety and understatement deserving of recognition. Reason is always a competitor and is evidently very committed to wordplay. Congratulations!

People's Champion

It was a classic 16 “Likes” scenario for this week’s champion of the People.

Scone Henge - Aaron Pitman

I’d say there’s been about 6-7 People’s Champion winning Puns that have attracted 16 “Likes”. It appears to have become an unconscious threshold. Anyway, Pitman continues to dominate the field with solid performances week after week. He cares about Puns, you can just tell. It’s heart warming. Well done Aaron, you did a win!

Honourable Mentions

As I’ve said, there was a heap of great Puns are just a few that made the shortlist:

The Suet Canal - Russell Parker
Parker had Bissed before I’d even finished my Shreddies – strong work from the renowned swordsman.

Rhyl Sky Flour - Paul Parry
Mentioning my home town in a Pun immediately earns a mention. Just so you know. Rhyl Sky Tower is a 50 foot viewing platform on the beach that appears to have been broken since 1992.

Rhyl Bun Centre - Rory Fletcher
The Sun Centre is an institution and I’m surprised at how much we took it for granted as kids. Anyone who grew up in the North West that wasn’t taken there by their parents or by school must have been in the midst of cruel and prolonged neglect. It’s a wonderful place and I WILL return and conquer my fear of the Octopus Slide.

The hanging gardens of Kebabylon - Laura Roberts
This was a very popular Pun from the Powerhouse Roberts – almost snuck People’s Champion.

The grand Canned Yam - Tim Evans
He’s had a quiet few weeks but returns strongly with this rich, complex effort.

Falafalcatraz – Graeme Smith
A very late but lovely entry from the ever capable Smith.


Punning House would like to congratulate one of The Pun-Off’s finest ambassadors Rich Dinham on his marriage yesterday. It was a lovely day, we went on a boat and everything. I drank an awful lot of Newcastle Brown ale though. Apparently Rich’s new wife Inga isn’t a huge fan of Puns but it seems that she’s a patient woman and is very supportive of Rich's extra marital commitment to wordplay. Punning House would like to wish you both a very happy marriage.


A very warm welcome to four new members of our community:

Naomi Thomas – showed enthusiasm and a keen eye.

Jim Cattell – Jim’s debut Pun was a repeat but he regrouped and put in a good performance thereafter.

Charlie Branch – Efficient, stable work from Branch. 

Quincy Tones – some beguiling efforts from Tones. He is likely to be a competitor.

A super day of Punning yet again! The competition is growing and the standard continues to improve. Thank you all for your continued commitment to Puns, wordplay, language and the community as a whole – you are good eggs.

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