I was concerned, albeit very briefly, that this week's theme might cause any spectating Christian fundamentalists to picket Punning House with placards covered in poorly conceived slogans of disgusted disapproval. I was pertrubed at the thought of someone entering "Islamplifier" and inviting the fury and Fatwas of any onlooking Muslim Extremists. As expected these concerns subsided quickly as I sat safe in the knowledge that even the chronically religious love Puns...just look at this:
It was strong week of Punning with plenty of creative and well structured entries. It was a closely run contest but after an additional three days of decision making time I'm please to unvail the three winning puns; each with as much silliness as technical merit:
In 3rd Place...This is as structrually sound a Pun as you're likely find in this competition:
Psalm-onica - Anna Levy
Say this fast enough and you can barely notice the difference; it's a belter. I quite like the idea of vicars across the country being issued with guilded Psalm-onicas through which they can spread the word of God; bellowing out a few lines of a Psalm then following it with a couple of rasping, melodic harmonica licks. Levy is a raw talent who puns on instinct; if she can use that natural ability to fuel future efforts, but with a bit more haste, I'm certain we'll see a number of dominant performances.
In 2nd place...this Pun gathered momentum and an avid following after its placement. She's a high profile member of the group thanks to her consistent performance:
Desmond Flute-tu - Melissa Wharton
Initially you might see the merit of this Pun based on silliness (and very silly it is too!) but it's also a technical masterclass. Solid structural work from Melissa "The Chester Jester" Wharton. This was a popular entry with 12 "Likes".
And in 1st Place...yet another wonderfully composed effort. Congratulations to:
Jewkuele - Darren Palmer
Palmer Puns with an energy and tenacity not seen since a certain James "The Bulb" Watts took to the field for the first time. However, Palmer isn't simply a new Bulb, oh no, he's very much his own man. He Puns from the heart with conviction and poise. I loved this Pun as soon as I saw it. Well done Darren; robust Punning.
This week's People's Champion is the highly deserving and highly visible Jon "The Idea" Hill:
Didgerijew - Jon Hill
The now seemingly standard 16 "Likes" saw Jon cruise to victory. This week's winners have all demonstrated flawless flow and Jon's excellent entry is no exception. Jon will be thrilled to have won the praise and approval of the People; he's as committed to The Pun-Off as it's possible to be and his victory here demonstrates his ability wonderfully. Well done Jon!
Honourable mentions
He died for our synths - Alex Jones
Jones gets creative with the categories here; there was no ban on well known religious phrases. Strong category mining.
Shroud of TurinTables - Katie Everson
Typically imaginitive work from The Electric Goose.
Organesh - Jonjo Neeves
This was a popular entry, Likes-a-plenty for this one.
Bagpopes - Chris Taylor
Subtle and yet obvious. Like being flicked in the balls.
Henry VIIIolin - Chris Taylor
Meta-Punning from Taylor; he wins this week's McCartney Showboating Award
A trio of debuts:
Dan Parsonage
Long time spectator Parsonage obvious took advantage of his day off to get involved. His first effort: "Oboe Wan Kenobi" forced me to deliberate but I eventually conceeded that while the "powers that be" don't officially recognise this as a religion there is an entire organised movement of individuals who follow it as one. It's also quite funny and that generally sways my judgment.
Sam Carter
I hope to see more from Sam in the future - I think he's got great potential. I sense that he is endevouring to become Rutland's only notable son; firstly through his highly acclaimed music career and now through the cut-throat world of compretitive Punning.
"The Bullet" Dave Rees -
Punning by proxy via Tim "The Stalking Horse" Evans, Dave showed great potential. I'm hoping to see more from him in the coming weeks.
A solid week of stout Punning - thank you all for taking part and for being patient with the results. Keep you eyes peeled for a number of important announcments from Punning House over the next few weeks.
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