Monday, 12 March 2012

Results - 09.03.2012

Categories: International Cities & Things you'd find in a garden

One thing is for sure: You people have got some strange stuff in your gardens! I'm not sure whether to laugh, cry or alert the authorities. Saying that, I'm in no position to judge. My mum once called me when I was at University to tell me she'd been doing a spot of gardening and that she'd unearth a mass grave of toy soldiers - about twenty or so of them neatly buried  side by side with their weapons. "How odd" I thought, but then again I do distinctly remember as a child being very disturbed by the images on the news of the Rwandan Genocide. Perhaps I'd  made the choice to demobilise my vast toy army (by killing them?) and instead opted to play with my U.N Security Council Play-set. My favourite was toy was the Boutros Boutros-Ghali action figure which had a really exciting "Impose-Sanctions" function. Good times.

Boutros Boutros-Ghali:
"Kofi Annan? He's a wanker!"

We had a huge number of entries this week which was most probably prompted by the fact that most people have at some point had a garden and, more crucially currently have at least a broad understanding of Earth's composition. I've come to my decision but as usual there was plenty of chin rubbing and rumination on the matter. Let us begin:

And in 3rd initial instinct threw out a giggle before any technical appraisal could take place. This is a key indicator that should not be ignored:

Stock-Gnome - Laura Roberts

I will admit: I don't think this is the most technically perfect Pun; it's a little clunky around the hyphen but I couldn't help but enjoy it for it's silliness. It was a very early effort (Pre-lunch) and still managed to gain a very respectable 11 "Likes", which is generally quite high given the field's tendency to Like later in the day. Laura is on form having placed this week and last and she'll be wise to look back at her recent entries and search for themes and trends that might indicate the foundations of the quality.

In 2nd Place...he's a journey-man of The Pun-Off who doesn't always get the credit he deserves. In my view this effort stuck me immediately as being clever and imaginative. This needs to be acknowledged:

Trellistanbul - Graeme Smith

I was rather fond of this effort from the off-set. Despite quite a considerable extension at the front end there is little in the way of flow disruption. Also, I'm pleased that Graeme has used two lesser known elements here. It's either an indication that he's purposefully dug deep or that he has a natural flare for mining the the categories with more tenacity. I suspect the latter. Graeme showed promise through-out the day with some robust efforts.

In 1st Place...I've always been a fan of his work but he's never quite reached the lofty heights of some of his contemporaries. He's very much the Wizz Jones of the Punning World:

Winnipegs - Frankie Moloney

Now, this wasn't a particularly popular Pun (3 Likes) but Maloney doesn't Pun for Likes, he appears to Pun for the process. If we look at the entry before this one (Washing Line DC) one can almost visualise Moloney's chain of thought: "Washing that. Now, what goes on washing lines?" What we're seeing here is a Punner who has a system, maybe even what you might called a Method. I respect that. It's a technically excellent Pun as well; just look at the simplicity of it. Moloney could have made a key error here and simply left it as "Winnipeg" but he's chosen to pluralise which really enriches the pun while still exploiting the obvious homonymic opportunities on offer. Assured technical work from Frankie; the Daniel Day-Lewis of The Pun-Off.

And PEOPLE'S CHAMPION! She reached the crucial 16 "Likes" threshold quite quickly with this solid effort:

Rakejavik - Katie Everson

She needs little introduction; we already know that Katie Everson has got the abilities to pay the proverbial utilities. This Pun (like many winning entries) was repeated 4-5 times throughout the day so Everson will no doubt be delighted that she threw it down at the first possible opportunity. I'm sure she'll agree that it's actually quite an obvious Pun and one that needed no alternation what so ever. But, often the Pun-Off is about how you play, not what you Play. Indication no doubt that Katie is a shrewd competitor.

Honourable mentions

Too many excellent entries to fairly whittle down to here but what I will say is this: the standard was very good. Please feel free to mention your favourites in the comments as usual - I really do enjoy reading your lively debates. 


A very warm welcome to:

Genevieve Cole - very much enjoyed her strong debut. "Torontoad" was a great opening effort.

Daniel Kew - Good first performance from Daniel; he's clearly got aspirations.

Amy Higgins - "Manchestarpaulin" - what a rich, complex Pun! Could be a contender.

Sam Palmer - Found his feet around his third effort. I enjoyed "Osloe" - subtle. Can you spot it?

If I've missed anyone please remind me and I'll get you mentioned!

I'm excited to see you all next Friday at the next Pun-Off; please do invite your friends to join if they would like to be involved. They just need to request me on Facebook and send me a little message to say hello. I don't discriminate at all, everyone is allowed to join in but I like to say hello to everyone that plays as The Pun-Off is as much a community as it is a competition. Until next time!

Ohhh, before I forget - Just a quick note - Punning House would like to wish Pun-Off regular Ben Sutherland a speedy recoverty from his double-hernia operation. He's up and about and I'm sure he'll be back on the board next week.

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