Thursday, 22 March 2012

Honourable mentions - 16.03.12

Honourable mentions from 16.03.12

Categories: Food and Comedians/comic actors

Winston Churchill once said: "The first quality that is needed is audacity". In this statement I believe we may have found the perfect Punners Mantra; no one has ever won The Pun-Off by playing safe have they? The Hounable mentions from last week's competition were so numerous and so deserving of individual attention that I thought it best to write separately on the matter. I insist you enjoy them.

Kale and Plaice - Richard Reason

This was my favourite in the "Double Puns on double acts" category. It's instantly recognisable and flows beautifully. Reason continues to be a threat and by taking the challenge of a double Pun in his stride shows that he's as confident as he is creative.

"Why don't you like
us anymore!"

Goose Forsyth - Andy Watts

I think the level of Pith that Andy brings to the competition is admirable. His Puns are typically concise, robust and witty but always on the right side of "try hard".

Found this on the Web-o-net.
Nicely done

Tagine Wilder - Sam Palmer

Palmer is a bit of an unknown quantity. He's has some excellent entries of late but they're occasionally undermined by a small number of mis-fires. But, I'm sure you'll agree that this happens to us all until we find our TPV (True Punning Voice). I really do love this Pun and it hints strongly at the potential genius shrouded beneath Palmer's rookie exterior. He's mined the categories with some degree of risk to throw out Tagine. Some will argue that a Tagine is a traditional Moroccan method of cooking and not an actual food. While this is entirely correct I am still allowing this Pun to pass muster. As well as being method of cooking it is also something you will find on a menu as a dish you can order - similar to Tikka Masala.

Suet Lee  - Frankie Moloney

Moloney is still on form. The simplicity of delivery and exploitation of the categories is what gets him a mention here. I wander if Frankie thought to extend the Pun by transforming Lee into Brie or something similar? If he did, he's made the right decision to withhold - sometimes, expect in the case of cash - less is more.

Special awards!

The Ed McCartney Show-Boating Award
McCartney 's effort this week was as voluminous as it was absurd. I believe he entitled it something like: "The Journey of your Steak: from Animal to Plate". He then proceeded to describe said journey and throwing in comedian Puns along the way. Maddness, pure maddness - but quite admiriable withing the designated five entries.
Ed typically wins the award but I've decided to present it elsewhere for a change:
We have joint "winners" this week:

Micheal McEntire Packet of crisps - Martin Hall
This is not typical of Martin. He's been winning of late and I can only assume he saw an unmissable opportunity and went for. I salute his audacity (as goes Winston Churchill) and his creativity but (and it's a reluctant but) it's just McCartney-esque enough for it to be considered showboating.
Kathy Griffinus Crispy Pancakes - Jonn Dean

It's beautiful. Too beautiful to live, too rare to die. Dean is another Punner who has enjoyed the lofty highs of Pun-Off glory. He's gone big here. Big and vintage. I wonder whether Dean had Findus Crispy Pancakes in mind and spent all day mining his Punning-reserves for a fitting comedian. Whatever the case, this is a high concept Pun that clearly enabled Jon to show us his boat.

It should be said - Punning House does not disapprove of expressive, complex Punnery, but there are obvious indicators that people are being purposefully high concept. Make no mistake - The McCartney showboating award is no dishonour; it takes quite a Punning mind to be this Punningly pretentious.

The Mentioning Steve in a Pun Award

Steve FerBrioche - Liz Brach

I'm not a comedian or a comic actor but I was flattered that Liz thought to include me. Thanks Liz! I'm also delighted to be a part of such an excellent piece of's marvelous! I, more than anyone, know the perils of having a unusual surname and the ensuing mispronunciations that come with it. FerBRIOCHE is not one I've had over the years and I quite like.

My dad was once sat in a doctors waiting room when a nurse came round the corner and loudly called out the name: "Tony REAR-BRAKE". He looked up from his paper, looked at the nurse, looked back at his paper, then back at the nurse....sighed a deep, exasperated sigh and dutifully stood up and marched defeated into the Doctor's office. This kind of this has been happening to him for 65 years.

See you tomorrow Punners!

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