Category: British Towns and Cities & Christmas
This week the Christmas Spirit entered the Pun-Off and the community responded with some of the most ambitious entries we've seen so far. There were some technical highs and several composition lows, and a fair few brutal, disturbing assaults on The Santa Biss Claus. Many thanks to Chris Hallewell for this enriching, seasonal renaming of our heralded enforcer Samuel Biss.
And the results!
In 3rd place - he's a big hitter and he's placed highly yet again:
Mold Wine - Alan Mitchell
This is a great Pun because of it's simplicity; it's straight to the point but it's not aggressive in any way - it sort of says: "Hey, I'm a great Pun....enjoy me, relish me, tell your friends!". Alan's proven himself as a big-hitter in the Pun-Off; I do wander if he can maintain this though? I'd like to see him and Tim Evans go head-to-head in a 10 minute Power-Pun; naked as the day they were born, buttered from head to toe with salted Lurpak and thrown into an oil stained concrete pit; all the while jeered on by a feral and throbbing mob of young professionals. Beautiful thoughts.
In 2nd place - he is another regular winner and he's delivered a popular Pun that I thought was highly skillful considering the subject matter:
Turquay - Jon Fawbert
This Pun was well liked (10) and I admire the brevity and subtle complexity. Turquay sounds so similar to Turkey that you'd have to be very careful throwing this Pun around, say, a North London dinner party. A misheard pun is a tragedy like no other.
And in 1st Place....I am very proud to finally announce and celebrate the rise to prominence of one of the Pun-Off's most loyal contributors. In order to appreciate this Pun completely you MUST sing it. Sing it NOW:
"Ipswich you a merry Christmas,
Nantwich you a merry Christmas,
Northwich you a merry Christmas,
and a happy Newquay"
- Simon Peter Bartley
I read this as I was walking to the toilet. When I got there and started having a wee I decided to sing it - I did so and subsequently wee'd on the floor a bit as I chuckled and shuddered with glee. I then sang it to my housemate about 8 times. Then we sang it together. Festive feelings filled the air.
A fair few of you Punned on a Christmas song but this was the best effort - the cadence and syllables just work perfectly. Mr. Bartley will no doubt be delighted to claim first prize - a robust effort deserving of the award. Simon's effort also claimed joint PEOPLE'S CHAMPION with...
Walking in a Winter Sunderland - James Watts
This is a brilliant pun by one of the Pun-Off's unorthodox greats. Watts appears to thrive in a Pun rich environment and certainly lives for Friday. I'm eager to point out the technical brilliance of this Pun's flow but I'm sorry to say that I SMELL A RAT!! This Pun was "liked" 12 times BUT I realised at the last minute that Mr. James Watts had in fact liked his own entry, thus taking him into the lead. Had he not liked his own Pun it would have been a draw with Simon's effort above. And so, I am forced to formerly DISQUALIFY James Watts for Unpunsmanlike conduct and award people's champion to Simon Peter Bartley - an unprecedented joint glory!
I didn't realise all this until after I'd awarded Simon 1st Prize and I felt it only right to make an example of James Watts. Is his reputation intact? I'm sure he could claim he didn't know this wasn't allowed but seriously Watts...basic Punsmanship? I'm sure a simple apology to the Punning community will reinstate him fully. Although, it's likely he'll always be viewed as an "Evil Punner"...more Sith than Jedi; equally powerful but aligned with the Dark side. The Punning Community will recover from this I'm sure; it was only a matter of time before we encountered controversy. Punning might yet become a dramatic and compelling opera of soap.
So there we have it - some outstanding festive Puns from outstanding Punners!
Honourable mentions
Please welcome this week's lovely debutants: Claire Medcalf, Edward Slimm, Frankie Maloney, Thomas Hughes, Martin Hall, Nina Ridding and Adam Hallows. It's absolutely brilliant that people I've never met are joining the Pun-off so a very warm welcome to you all. Actually, I used to play rugby with Thomas Hughes and Adam Hallows is a friend but the rest of of you are wonderful strangers who I will hopefully meet at THE PUN-OFF LIVE 2012!!
Also, I'd like to say a very heart felt thank you to everyone involved with the Pun-Off so far - it's been a highy enjoyable and uplifting 6 weeks and I'm excited about the developments in 2012. Pun-Off Live is coming together nicely and I am in initial talks with sponsors and venues for this joyous event.