Monday, 28 May 2012

Results - 25.05.12

Categories: Animals & Common Phrases/Slogans/Famous quotations

I once again find myself on a train decompressing from not only my sister’s splendid wedding but also from Friday’s majestic Punning display. I’ve spent much of my time this weekend in my hometown. Rhyl – a former jewel in Wales’ tourism crown is not the place it once was. This is a realisation (and cliche) so widespread that the mere mention of its former glory brings the locals out in severe and profound bouts of disappointed sighing. But, despite the various deadening social problems and remarkable ease with which one can acquire heroin I find little reason to be scathing about a place whose name lends itself so readily to Puns. I thought that wearing my “Keeping it Rhyl” T-shirt might attract knowing winks of solidarity and reverence as I strolled - chest out - down the high street. Instead, the townsfolk simply shot at me confused and disappointed squints. Then I had a thought: perhaps the reason I wasn’t being carried around on people’s shoulders and referred to as “Bloody hilarious” was because those people were not from Rhyl at all. Perhaps they were some of the thousands of people that still go there on holiday every year. Having said that, there is actually quite an easy and accurate way of telling the locals and the tourists apart. The tourists have a look of perpetual emotional turmoil - as if someone has just burst into their living room and farted on their nan's startled face. I don’t know exactly what brings this pained expression about, perhaps they just don’t like Puns.

Thankfully, many of Friday’s Puns had likability in abundance – witty, well researched and accurate. Mrs. Pun-off assisted me ably this week in deciding on the top three – offering an astute perspective on the Puns that caught her discerning eye.

In 3rd Place...linguistically balanced work from a renowned wordsmith:

Owl be back - Sam Palmer
The brevity of Palmer’s Pun is a key strength but the limited alteration needed when uttering it is the decisive quality. My advice to any young or developing Punner out there is to take a leaf of Palmer’s Book (now available in Paperback) and think as carefully about flow as you do about hilarity. Good work Sam; a typically strong technical performance with the right about of depth and humour.

In 2nd Place...he’s been on the winner board a fair few times and he’s maintaining his reputation with this marvellous effort:

I'm going to make you an otter you can't refuse - Jonn Dean

I cannot conceive a situation where I might be inclined to refuse an otter. However, I intend for my life to be a long one and to eventually navigate a transaction as perverse and challenging as the one Jonn’s Pun conjures. It’s another Pun par excellence from Dean, who maintains his position as one of the Pun-Off’s leading thinkers. 

This is the Banker
from 'Deal or No Deal?'


And in 1st’s the punning equivalent of a goal line tap-in:

Beaver sigh of relief - Martin Hall

Most of the work is done here by the inclusion of the word ‘Beaver’, and not just because of the obvious pubic connotation but because the word is funny itself. Perhaps it isn’t, perhaps I’m attempting to intellectualise my puerility in the face of impending adulthood. Whatever the case; it’s a text book Pun that hits all the technical Pun balls out of the park <smirk....balls!>. Strong work from Hall; I hope a short but intense dance of victory takes place.

And so to People's Champion!!

It’s only his second competitive Punning performance but the wild, young bohemian is already making a name for himself:

Gentlemen, start your Penguins - Henry Morris

With an extremely respectable 24 “Likes” Henry Morris is setting a high standard not only for himself but for the numerous other Punners in the Under 21 weight-class. Can anyone remember a Pun getting more than 24 likes?

It’s not a water tight Pun – that’s for sure – it doesn’t have the technical merit seen on the winners board. But, what it does have is widespread appeal and faultless silliness. Congratulations Henry, you should be very proud of your performance.

Honourable Mentions

Queer as a nine bob Stoat - Zoe Wood
Typically strong work from Wood as well as highlighting that stoat trade is very much a buyer’s market.

Here's looking at you squid - Chris Wain
I think a squid would appreciate being told if you were observing it. Signage in aquarium surely must follow.

You get out of life what you Puffin - Alan Mitchell
Mitchell returns to form.

Don't mention the Portuguese Man O' War - Neil Buchannan
High concept and weighty. Typical Buche.

A Mars a day elks ewe work, rest and Platypus - Dave High
It was going so well for our David! It's a classic case of over reaching - almost panicking in the face of a potential (and very rare) triple-Pun. It could have been a winner without the Platypus. Lessons.

Favourite Star Wars Puns

That's no baboon; it's a space station - Andy Watts
Disguising The Death Star as a primate might have yielded better results for The Empire.

Use the horse Luke - Philip Ashman
This Sage advice from Obi Wan was edited out.


Scoot Just Scoot - I was particularly fond of "Gunard or go home". The kind of debut performance we see from future winners.
Caitlin Crabtree-Kelly - Just the one entry from Caitlin and sadly it was a repeat. However, the entry she repeated was "Owl be back" which as you know was a winner - a indication of her skills no doubt.
John Talbot – Punning seems to be important to him and I’m expecting progressive and well rounded performances going forward.

Many thanks to everyone who played, “Liked” and observed – we seem to be having a good run of Pun-Off recently. Long may it continue!!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Results - 18.05.12

Categories: Crime and Punishments & Food and Drink

It has been a savage beast of a week. The prisoner of war level busy-ness I've endured since Friday has severely limited my output, and for this I apologise - assuming of course that POWs have long lunches with friends, watch DVDs, have driving lessons, buy banjo related equipment, visit Osteopaths and pootle around Brick Lane in search of the perfect shirt and eating Paella. I think going that far East frazzled me a little - a form of hipster bends if you will. I shouldn't give hipsters too much grief really, their lifestyle is a compulsion. Like rapists.

Speaking of brutal crimes (segway of dreams?) we saw the full spectrum of crime and punishment explored and married with a virtual buffet of foods and drinks. A wonderful day of Punning was had by all. Here we go with the results....

In 3rd Place...we haven't seen much from him since the early days of the Pun-Off. Does this mark a return to form?

Mulag attorney Soup - James "The Bulb" Watts

It's a classic Splice-Pun, delivered with confidence and with typical panache from the new Welshman. Mulligatawny is one of the more obscure items in the liquid food realm and The Bulb has used his solid knowledge base to full affect here. The flow and syllabic integrity of this Pun is what marks it out as a winner. Well done James, excellent behaviour.

In 2nd Place...He's a relative newcomer but I always had a sense he would quickly become an impact Punner. Here is the evidence:

Adultery's Chocolate Orange - Jim Cattell

It's a big Pun; weighty and complex. The small alteration one makes to utter it is compensated for by a witty under current and a bold finish. Cattell clearly has confidence and a well developed punning skill set - he's a thinking man's Punner, he doesn't rush into Punning and treats Puns with the respect that they command in these days of throwaway joviality. Whether Cattell has got the constitution to develop into a world dominating force in Punning is not yet clear - but, with the right development and investment he could become a true great.

Living a lie.
She's not even French.

And this week's 1st place...he's the very epitome of a journey man:

Treason Toast - James Mochan

James has been with us from very early on and is as consistent with his quality as he is with his Punsmanship. This winning Pun is very much a tour de force for Mochan; woefully unacknowledged upon it's release but very much a Pun of quality, humour and technical merit. I must admit that I didn't get it straight away; it passed me by. But, upon further investigation I realised that it is a genius stroke from the Bristolian stalwart. It flows, is intensely witty and hovering the right side of "too clever". Mochan plugs away week after week and I'm delighted that his promise is finally realised. Some Punners explode onto the scene, others (like Mochan) creep in like a unnerving sense of contentment. Many congratulations James, you deserve glory on your face.

And this week's PEOPLE'S CHAMPION...narrowly beating James Mochan by 1 "Like"

Marinading and abetting - Darren Palmer

Palmer wins Punning's greatest prize yet again with this robust 15 "Liker". It's a wonderful effort: sturdy, unpretentious and illustrative of a solid knowledge base. Palmer has had his fair share of accolades here and Puns on shrouded in a heady musk of confidence. He's a quality unit and is surely on the brink of his golden age. Many congratulations to you Darren.

Honourable mentions

Swiss Raoul Moat - Sam Palmer
I love Swiss rolls and that is partly why this is here. Palmer delivers yet again.

Fromage affray - James Mochan
This week's winner is clearly on form - Affray is a great crime too.

A crime of passion fruit: acting in fajita the moment - Katie "The Electric Goose" Everson
The Electric Goose exploded onto the scene with this - too high concept for a winners place but for sheer creativity it deserves a mention.

Perverting the Main Course of Justice - Darren Palmer
I related this one to a friend and she laughed her beer on me - hence it's inclusion.

Affray Bentos Pie - Martin Hall
Martin probably would have placed on the winners board had he omitted the word "Pie" and simply gone with "Affray Bentos". A lesson to any young Punners out there. Hall will be disappointed no doubt.

Sexual penne-tration of a corpse - Rich Dinham
This man will be my child's 2nd cousin. 

There were half a dozen lovely Debuts this week...please make them feel welcome:

David Whitehouse - "Ted hot cross Bundy" was excellent. The Pun, not the brutal serial killer. He was a right tosser. 

Vicki-Nyte Owl-Powell
Inexplicable name - explicable potential.

Henry Morris - Hip, young gunslinger Henry rolls in and throws out "Sucream Court". Strong start.

Scott Pickford - Punning from New Zealand, Pickford raises the bar for our Southern Hemisphere brothers and sisters. Including the person in Kenya who reads the blog. You know who you are!

Swami Fontanna - a confident start from Fontanna; a careful approach will ensure progression 

Sarika Sabherwal - From a respected Punning House hold and already showing potential.

Many thanks to everyone that took part this week - it was a very enjoyable Pun-Off to adjudicate and judge. Discipline has been at an all time high and the steady stream of debutants are keeping things fresh and zesty. Punning House remains in good order despite plenty of organisational change. We're experiencing a period of transition (in a very good way) and your patience and support will be very much appreciated. See you all next week!

Monday, 14 May 2012

Results - 11.05.12

Categories: Musicians & Emotional states

I knew this week was going to be massive. I could feel in the tips of my teeth that selecting such robust categories meant choosing a winner's board would be a proper mission. Sometimes I settle on my favourite Pun O'The Day and imagine a small crowd of faces glaring at me, their eye-brows cocked in a deliberate expression of incredulity, as if to say: "What? That one was your favourite Pun? Really? REALLY?!"

However, I quickly realise that you lovely lot extend to me a great deal of good will and perhaps even assume that somewhere beneath the verbosity there's a highly technical eye appraising each Pun as a jeweller might inspect a diamond. It's simply not the case. Generally, which ever Pun overrides my ability to conceal my laughter in the office is in for a winners-spot. The thing is, I wasn't in my office yesterday - I spent most of the morning in the waiting room of Queen Charlottle's Maternity Hospital reading every entry out loud to Mrs. Pun-off. We got some strange looks  but we gallantly rode the wave of suspicion and weaved our way from Mid-wife, to Doctor, to plebotomist, to ECG Technician and back to the Mid-Wife chuckling at and approving Puns along the way. We discussed the recent growth of the Pun-Off and how miraculous it is that it functions so well with so few rules. As we wondered back to take our place at a now Hillsborough like Maternity waiting room Mrs. Pun-Off remarked that she was hugely impressed by how organised and efficient the whole thing was. Then I realised she was talking about the NHS. "Oh yeah, fair dos" I said...barely hiding my disappointment.

So, here are the winners this week based purely on their ability to make me chortle. I love a chortle me.

In 3rd Place...he's been Punning so hard recently that I was concerned he was going to rupture something:

Appauled Simon - Steve Bentham

Perhaps my relentless idle-worship of Paul Simon played a part here, perhaps not. But, what is certain is that this Pun is technically strong and highly amusing. What I like most about Steve's Pun is the possibility of there being a tribute act named as such; one that sings Paul Simon songs but with a look of permanent disgust on his face.

As an aside, it has occurred to me that Paul Simon actually has the permanent expression of a recently surfaced turtle. How he ever managed to marry Princess Leia is completely beyond me. He wrote GracelandHearts and Bones and You can call me Al about her - although the first two are about their divorce and the other one is about their descent into alcholism. He's clearly some sort of wizard; a Turtle-wizard.

"At least I don't
look like Garfunkel"

Anyway, further congratulations go Bentham's way for suggesting one of the categories to me. Just so you know folks, I'll take suggestions for categories  but never use both together - that way I can be sure you haven't already thought of a killer Pun and are trying to engineer a victory. Corruption isn't an issue at Punning House but I must remain ever vigilant.

In 2nd's only her second ever Pun-Off but as predicted she's shown her Punning ability aggressively:

Paul Meh-Cartney - Beth Ravazzolo

Ravazzolo, along with Pun-Off titan Melissa Wharton, hails from the Punning stronghold of Chester. Against the large and talented London, Manchester and Bristol contingents Chester punches well above it's weight at Pun-time. Beth was recommended to the Pun-Off on the grounds that she has natural ability and an insatiable desire to play with words. This entry proves that assertion, it's high-concept but low maintenance...a truly rare combination. Excellent work so early in her career. Well done Beth!

And in 1st Place...I will make no apologies for this. His Pun made me giggle like a right twat: 

Philosophical Collins - Alex Jones

It's bang-on the categories with a dazzling blend of silliness, invention and imagery. Jones is quite a talented young wordsmith but hasn't risen to glory as often as some of his contemporaries. I can imagine a sneering NME writer considering "Philosophical Collins" as a headline for a frivolous, tokenistic review of Collins' 1989 "But Seriously...". But, I can equally imagine Collins considering it as a title for the album. Collins is actually a bit of a secret bad-ass. Once, after a month long drink and drugs binge with legendary imbiber John Martyn, Collins divorced his wide...via Fax. But seriously (fnar, fnar!), back to Alex Jones. I laughed for a good three minutes. Thank you my friend. 

And the award for People's Champion...

Jack Richard Blakelock Kirby -  Mick Couldn't Give a Fucknall

With a very robust 15 "Likes" Kirby snuck ahead of the field to claim the greatest week-long prize in Punning. Like Ravazollo it was only JRBK's second outing and he had a strong all-round game. Perhaps Jack's freshness might lead him to underestimate the weight of the occasion - many a Punner has tormented and tortured themselves in the pursuit of this ephemeral glory. I trust he will value this glorious moment. Many congratulations Jack - keep up the good work!

Honourable mentions

I've had to be quite selective with the Honourables this week thanks to the sheer volume of entrys - 320 altogether AND very few repeats. Thank you for your vigilance with that by the way.

Engleburt Got the Humperdink - James Mochan
High concept and big impact from Mochan - continues to perform.

Aloofus Wainwright - Thomas Adams
When not overshadowed by the mysterious Neil "Buche" Buchannan, Adams is quite a talent. Perhaps relinquishing his duties as Buche's Proxy-Punner Adams can raise his game more frequently. Is he being held back? Thomas is notoriously loyal though and word on the street is that Buchannan drives a hard bargain.

Mopy - Jon Fawbert
Short, simple, direct. Anti-concept, Pro-fun!

Liza "Left Out" Lopez - Sophie Galpin
Another new Punner from last week shows the enthusiasm and desire that makes the Pun-Off Great. Good concept, delivered with confidence.

Kriss Pissed-offerson - Jim Cattell
It's brilliant work from Cattell. Good depth of knowledge marks Jim out as one to keep an eye on.

Huff Dadday aka Peeved Diddy - Jonathan Foster
A rare and some might say risky double Pun from Foster. Sometimes it works, sometimes it undermines the Pun's impact. None of that here though, it's Win-Win for Jonathan. Or "Win-athan" to his friends.

George Forlornby - Mat Barnett (Debut)
An excellent Debut from Barnett - this almost snuck People's Champion! It's only a matter of time before he claims a prize. Mark my words!

Jenny Cawlwell - Mary J Obliging (Debut)
Just the two debuts this week in contrast to last week's Festival of the New. But, this shouldn't overshadow the fact they were both strong debuts indeed - Cawlwell could well be a contender in weeks to come.

It was a truly brilliant week of Punning - the presence of quality and quantity really helped this week stake it's claim as one of the great Pun-Offs. Thank you to you all for your continued support, delightful charm and Punsmanship. Discipline has been flawless of late and the reduction of repeats certainly made my Friday easier. See you next week!

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Results - 04.05.2012

Categories: British actors & Sports/Games

I just realised that for the last five minutes I've been staring at the screen, wondering what to write, just like Richard Dreyfuss does at the end of Stand By Me - open mouthed, hands hovering, just before his fat, persistent son drags him away to go swimming or something. I'll tell you what: if I'd just completed a bitter-sweet retrospective of my childhood - one in which my brother dies in a car wreck and my best friend gets stabbed in the throat - and my son was mithering me like that I'd grab the beach towel from his doughy, little fingers and flick him on the arse with it. Little shit. 

If you've not seen Stand By Me I think it's best I don't apologise for the useless movie reference and instead extend to you my deepest sympathy. If you watch it now, no doubt as a partially realised adult with your relationships, responsibilities, robust shoes and pubic hair - then you just won't get it. It's best appreciated from an angle of 30 degrees with a choc-ice in your mouth and, more crucially, without the crushing burden of adult-type expectations on your shoulders. I last watched it about two years ago and it only served to remind me that my pre-teen years mostly involved tracking down soiled, earthy smelling segments of pornography and inhaling vast amounts of Lnyx Africa through a soiled, earthy smelling football sock. Reader's Wives and solvent abuse; truly golden times. No shoe-less corpses though so...every cloud.

This of course brings me seamlessly to this week's results. This week's competition was notable for two reasons. Firstly, the quantity of quality Puns on show and the significant number of debut Punners. We love a debutant here at Punning House, we really do. So, to the results...

 In 3rd Place this week...he's a renowned wordsmith and gets on the winners board so frequently that rumours of bribery will no doubt be circling:

Sardines Gaffney - Martin Hall

Sardines is an overly elaborate form of Hide-and-seek and Dean Gaffney is an actor best known for looking like a whittled down stick. The two are married here is a delightful Pun that is rich in its complexity and admirable in its simplicity. Like many Puns before it has also sparked my sensitive sense of nostalgia; not because of the child hood game but because as a kid there used to be a female (yes, female) shop assistant in my local Spar that looked exactly like Dean Gaffney. She was nice though, to be fair. Well done Martin, you Punned well and you also don't look like Dean Gaffney...I presume. We've not met. If you do, I'm sorry. 

"Gaffternoon madam!"

In 2nd Place with a Pun that came close to winning People's Champion...

Guess Hugh Laurie - Graeme Denham

Don't confuse this week's 2nd place winner with the renowned Punner (and frequent winner) Graeme Smith. Oh no, Mr. Denham is a unique and special Graeme of his very own. Is he in fact the "Next Graeme Smith" as people are saying? I don't know, it's too early to tell. But, what I can tell you is that Graeme Denham Cconceived an excellent Pun, Believed in himself enough to enter it and Acheived a second place. "Conceive-Believe-Achieve" - a new Pun-Off motto perhaps. Well in GD, you deserve it.

And in 1st Place with a Pun on a deceptively British Actor and a deceptively enjoyable game...

Whistian Bale - Darren Palmer

Darren had an explosive week - just have a look at his other entries:

Peter Kabbadi
Tennis Waterman
Charade Edmonson

Darren's winning Pun has the syllabic integrity, creativity and delivery of a classic winning Pun. I thoroughly enjoyed his work this week; well done Darren!

And People's Champion!!!

Buckarupert Everett - Jonn Dean

With an impressive 13 "Likes" Jonn Dean wins another Punning accolade - I don't know exactly how many times Jonn has featured on the Winners Board but I'd say with confidence that it's somewhere between "Numerous" and "A fair bit". His Puns generally speak for themselves but what I will say about this one is that while the opening extension of Rupert makes the Pun a little cumbersome it isn't any more cumbersome or disruptive to one's reading experience and overall enjoyment as this sentence so credit is due you'll no doubt agree.

Several Honourable mentions this week but I'm sorry that I couldn't fit many more in:

Dame Thora Hurdles - Neil Buchannan
Punning by proxy never felt so good. The Buche delivers as always.

Daniel Sports Day Lewis - Jonathan Foster
He's a newer Punner but this belies his experience; a wonderful concept piece

Pete Puzzlethwaite - Steve Bentham
The opening Pun of the day was a beaut from Bentham the grizzled campaigner.

Jane Horocks, Paper, Scissors - Zoe Wood
Wood showing her class as always. It's high concept but completely beguiling.

Rowin' Atkinson - Chris Walmsley
A very popular and much repeated Pun..with good reason. Dr. Walmsley got there first

Lacrosse Kemp - Suzanne Blackledge
Almost snuck People's Champion. I expect big things from the plucky rookie


So many this week! It's truley great to have you all involved; as strong a field of debutants as I've seen.

Martyn Norman - Enjoyed one of his entries immensely - "Peter Surf-inowicz".

Vicky Ashman - Kept her head down and did the business on her first outing. As she grows in confidence I think we'll see some accolades.

Jon Dinham - Long time spectator, first time Punner. The Dinham Punning Dynasty is now complete.

Georgina Wright - an eager, boyaunt performance. Well rounded Puns from start to finish. 

Matt Fleming - Chortled at "Games McAvoy" and enjoyed his work throughout.

Shane Mageean - A creative new Punner; "Davina McCall of Duty" is Exhibit A.

Gary Brown - His "Liz Hurdley" showed promise; one to watch? Let's see.

Jack RB Kirby - "Mahjong Hurt" shows depth of knowledge and self belief. Has definate potential.

Beth Racazzolo - Enthusiasm and determination; two key Punning skills. Her "Tamzin Outhweight-lifting" was the right side of complex.

Caroline Glover - A few false starts thanks to pesky repeats but came through in the end.

Sophie Galphin - Two initial repeats and then a belter - "Gymmy Nail". Reported that she was having a lovely time which warms the heart.

Alexander Matthews - Just the two entries and both repeats. Let's rally round and get him back in the game. We believe in you Matthew...we believe!

Another brilliant week of wordplay! Thank you to you all for attacking the challenge with fervour and sportmanship. See you next week and if you feel like sharing the link to this blog it would make me "thumbs up" at you from across the web-o-net. Ta.