Thursday, 19 July 2012

Results - 13.07.12

Categories: Food & drink and The office/work/employment

I was astonished at the quality of last week's Pun-Off. I can't remember a day being so fiercely contested or filled from beginning to end with such vibrant, sophisticated and pleasing Puns. Bruce Hornsby once sang: "That's just the way it is" and, like in many other life situations Bruce "The Great Sage" Hornsby's statement can be applied to The Pun-Off too. The quality of The Pun-Off is now just incredibly high...and that's just the way it is. The Punning has just gotten significantly better - the competition is now attracting a higher standard of new Punner and has thankfully shed the small number of people (literally one bloke) who just didn't get it.

However, there are Punners who have been with us from the early days that have come a long way. I can trace certain Punner's from their revision for their NVQ Punning Level 1 exams to their now leading positions as Senior Lecturers of Punsmanship at Laughborough University. I have seen confidence built and momentum gathered. I have seen evidence of trail and error, of changes in approach and style. I have seen desperation and disappointment go on to fuel attritional, seemingly unobtainable victory. I have seen falls from grace, and have watched  proverbial pegs being brought down. I have seen long, painful come backs from the depths of Punning obscurity...and I have seen the darkness behind people's eyes that drives a person to be the best Punner they can be.

Thinking about it - I appear to be describing the entire Punning career of Rich Dinham. However, he's not alone - many of us have been there...and will be there again before too long. Stay humble Punners - modesty is important and I should know that because I'm well intelligent.
Here we go....

In 3rd's very much a classic "Spelling Pun" but it's subtley is a major strength:

Pea 45 - Gareth Yardley

The seemingly important Tax document alluded to melds perfectly into an unassuming but weighty Pun. Yardley has gone Lo-Fi and has resisted the urge to extend this any more than is absolutely necessary. He could have careered down the "Pea pour-Tea Chive" route but that would have been too much. Much too much. Strong knowledge depth from Yardley, delivered well. 

Turnip off, and turnip back on again - Dave High

David High has tasted victory before but has not, until now, reached his full Punning potential. Showing an admiral knowledge of IT technician banter (and root vegetables) he has produced a Pun that has almost everything I look for in a wining Pun. The syllabic integrity is without fault, the imagery is compelling and it forces the reader to laugh, nod and acknowledge it's evident power. It doesn't have the brevity I've mentioned before but it doesn't need it. Mr. High - you should be extremely proud of your winning entry, you may even consider buying yourself a Cadbury's Wispa as a reward.

And so to this week's PEOPLE'S CHAMPION!!!

During play last week I mentioned that I intended to test him for Pun enhancing substances. His run of form is unsuppassed - Tim "The Stalking Horse" Evans, Kaite "The Electric Goose" Everson and Laura Roberts haven't enjoyed golden patches this - not even when they last wee'd themselves - fnah fnah!!!

Gherkin 9 to 5 - James Mochan

I can't remember what the record is for most likes for a single Pun but I think Mochan must be close to it - his wonderful Pun got 25 "Likes"! The brilliance of the Pun almost defies comment and Mochan's current form will surely be a talking point for years to come. Despite me often lamenting my inate cynisism I am drawn to question whether his form will last. Will we see a gradual decline in quality or a sudden and catastrophic break down? Will the accolades go to his head? It's hard to say and I certainly wouldn't wish for such misfortune upon any one. Compelling scenes.

I thought I ought to mention two more of James' Pun from last week; just as a means of illustrating his current level of performance:

Toast-it note - James Mochan

Final writen Quorning - Jameas Mochan

Honourable mentions

There were so many amazing efforts this week. I've had to narrow it down to just a few Puns that stayed with me over the week:

Curriculum Ryvitae - Charlie Branch
Brach raises his game here - this was a popular Pun.

Bream Meating - Siany Jones
We don't often see effective Double-Puns...Jones is reknowned for it.

Repetitive cress syndrome - Jonn Dean
Typical class from Dean; well researched work.

Quiche Lorraine at Reception - Thomas Adams
An inspired off-beat effort from Adams - idiosyncratic and abstract.


Simon Bezant - A robust, enthusiastic performance from Bezant. could be a contender with the right mentoring.
Janet Newell - A promising early effort from Janet - "Headed Papaya" was excellent and well like - one to watch.

Thank you all for another wonderful week. Same time, same place tomorrow morning. Rich Dinham will be taking over judging duties again as Mrs. Pun-Off and I are finally moving into our permanent residence. Never stop Punning!

In 2nd Place...another example of understated Punnery, and return to the now apparently old-school Punning maxim of "less is more":

Beef case - Philip Ashman

The simplicity and clarity of Ashman's work is his calling card - this is a wonderful example of how not over thinking can yield favourable results. Like Gareth's example above a Punner often needs to make a series of brave calls and decide - without wavering - to leave a Pun pure and untainted by excess. I guess it's about having faith in your own ability to Pun and in the universal language of Punning. The imagery evoked by Ashman's Bovine-based luggage is also a strength - partly because it has provoked me into considering filing a patent for a brief case made entirely out of Sirlion Steak. Once it has served it's purpose at the end of the day one could remove ones paperwork and stationary and simply throw it the BBQ. As an aside, a leather brief case is essentially a case made from cows - so it may not be too long before vegan campaign groups cotton onto this and write some sarcastic placards using Ashman's excellent composition. 

It was difficult to find suitable pictures
for this week's blog - so here's Nutkins!

And in 1st Place....a Pun of this quality doesn't come along too often. It initially appears quite complex but is, in actual fact, a fine example of everything that is good about Punning:

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