The classic thriller "The Fugitive" starring Harrison Ford did little to enhance the image of amputees in the public eye. In fact, it adhered to the persistent and unfair Hollywood habit of giving movie baddies disabilities and deformities. Whether its a hook, an eye-patch, some sort of facial scarring or a manic, sociopathic mental illness - movie baddies will invariably be "differently abled". These physical or mental disorders are subtley referred to almost as the cause of the evil doer's isolation from society - an isolation that leads to hatred and ultimatley to the assembly of a uniformed militia and the construction of a huge and elaborate underwater/inside a volcano base of some kind.
A non-disabled baddie - Rare! |
Perhaps Daffydd Cameron's Bedroom tax will inadvertantly limit the activities of these tyrannical disabled beasts by forcing them to pay for all the unused bedrooms in their massive lairs. That would be helpful. Or perhaps, it will simply just make the lives of people with disabilities even harder than it already is. Thanks for that you Moon-faced, horse covetting, chinny ponce. And yes, I've resorted to making fun of your appearance because I couldn't think of anything funny to write about the three tax-payer funded houses you have for your family of five.
This of course, leads me to what's his name - fast bloke, no legs, trigger happy - him. He has had two of his body parts amputated and he lives in a foriegn country...and that is the only reason he is getting a mention - because he reminds me of last week's PUN-OFF categories!
Alex Jones came flying in early doors with a his popular "Thighland" entry - gaining an admirable 8 Likes and a catchy name for the strip club I assume he intends to open once he gets permission from the council. Alex's effort was closely followed by the precision purility of David Whitehouse's "Botsweener".
However, glory was acheived aftre just 49 minutes of play by the magestic Russell Parker who jogged to victory by a huge margin. 16 Likes for his "Ovarie Coast" means that Russell is this week's PEOPLE'S CHAMPION. A testimonial on Russell's website describles him as having "A contagious charm". I know this to be false and can confirm that this is in fact a type error. Russell actually has a contagious ARM.
Honourable mentions
"Chinidad & Toebago" by Jonjo Neeves deserved much more recognition than it got - althought 11 Likes is not to be sniffed at.
Likewise for Philip Ashman's "Japancreas" - a pleasing meld of two highly regarded outposts.
Matt Fleming's "Labia" combined brevity, biology and North Africa in one, five letter words. Brave...almost visionary wordage from Fleming.
Good work one and all - it was a classic week of punning, a vintage week of skill and hilarity. Thank you once again.
Also, please forgive my forgetfulnnes of late - I've either got early onset dementia or its because of the baby.